Sticky Bubble Gum

Danes si bom izposodila posnetek, ki sem ga našla na youtubu.

Mi sicer pesmico pojemo malce drugače (z veliko več grimasami, ker res ni prijetno, če se ti žvečilka zaplete v lase:)), je pa to en super način za ponavljanje delov telesa z najmlajšimi učenci. Na posnetku so sicer malčki, ampak verjemite, tudi naši prvo- in drugošolci uživajo ob tej pesmi:)

by: joni calming
Lyrics and movement:

Spread your fingers and turn them from side to side as you sing the first three lines. 

Pretend your hands are covered with bubble gum.

Sticky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubble gum, bubble gum, bubble gum.

Sticky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubble gum, bubble gum.

Makes my hands stick to my knees.
And you pull 'em,
and you pull 'em,
and you pull' em away.

Repeat. Stick your hands to different parts of your body and "pull 'em away.”


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