Left, right

Ideji za utrjevanje besed left, right, up, down:

Bunny's Tale (Tail)

Skupaj z lutko zajčkom v krogu pripovedujem kratko zgodbico.

Bunny woke up feeling funny. Something just wasn’t RIGHT. He stretched LEFT arm and then RIGHT arm. It still wasn’t RIGHT. So he also stretched RIGHT leg and then LEFT leg. He yawned and shook his tail. Only … Where his tail used to be, there was a blank space!

“Hmmm, where could I LEFT my tail? I thought it was RIGHT here.”

Well, a bunny with no tail in not RIGHT bunny, so there was nothing LEFT for bunny to do, but to go RIGHT out and find it.

First, bunny put his pants on, RIGHT leg and then LEFT leg. Next he put on his jacket, first LEFT arm and then RIGHT arm. Then he LEFT to search for his tail.
On the way, he turned RIGHT at first crossroad and then LEFT into little street. He stopped at just the RIGHT place to eat. He ordered pizza, but RIGHT when he started chewing, he spotted his tail RIGHT down the street in the LEFT hand of little girl.

Bunny hopped RIGHT after that little girl and got his tail back. He was really happy.

Ob ponovnem pripovedovanju učence povabim, naj se vsakič, ko zaslišijo besedo LEFT z levico primejo za levo uho, vsakič, ko zaslišijo RIGHT pa z desnico za desno uho.
Zgodbo lahko ponovimo tudi tako, da stojimo v krogu, eden od otrok pa ima v rokah nek predmet (lahko tudi zajčka). Vsakič, ko je slišana beseda RIGHT ga poda v desno, ko je slišana beseda LEFT pa v levo. Le pri kom bo na koncu ostal predmet?

Bunny's Path

Učencem razdelim delovni list z mrežo. Vsak kvadratek predstavlja en zajčkov skok. Navodila poljubno sproti prilagajamo »Two hops to the right, one hop down, three hops to the left …«.

Mrežo dobite TUKAJ.

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